David Bazan has played in a few different bands. Most notably, "Pedro the Lion" which had the indie music scene questioning for years, "Is Pedro an indie rock band, or a christian band?" I never much cared either way because the tunes were cool and the lyrics, stimulating. He's got a way of really breaking down everyday situations and exposing the negative yet harshly accurate thoughts we all hold about them. (See "Options" below)
David recently recorded a new album which hasn't yet been released and as a result was told by his label that he was unable to tour to support it until it was out. Needing money to pay bills and you know, eat, he and his manager came up with a more low key way to tour via a ton of house shows around the country wherever someone had agreed to host one. The label agreed that the low key idea was acceptable and the house show tour was born.
A notice went up on his websites about the venture and emails from potential hosts came pouring in. For the show goers, the $20 ticket price was a bit higher than a normal show but that hasn't stopped nearly every show on the tour listing from selling out, which is great for David. Mainly because his music is rad but also because him and his wife have a child on the way at home in Seattle and every little bit helps. After purchasing a ticket, a few days days later an email would be sent with the address of the show and a notice that no alcohol would be at the event and no seating would be provided. Why? It's at someone's house. Duh.
In Portland, we were lucky enough to have our show hosted just three miles out of downtown in the Corbett area of town by a younger guy from LA had just moved here to live with his Mom. They had completely cleared out the living room, rented folding chairs for the guests and even stocked the fridge with Fat Tire and Milwaukee's Best Light. Awesome gesture, for sure.
When it was show time, he launched right into his solo work with a few Headphones and Pedro the Lion tunes mixed in. Including my favorites, "Priests and Paramedics" and "Options". As with any crowd, especially one in someone's home, the cloud of apprehension was chokingly thick but it seemed to clear slightly as the show wore on. www.davidbazan.com is where you can find the current listing of upcoming tour dates. If you're in the area, I recommend you check him out if the show isn't already sold through.
To conclude, (I love using that, because my high school english teachers always told me not to) I've seen Pedro The Lion a few times before and was always impressed with how David appeared to carry himself as a person. The more intimate house show environment with encouraged question and answer sessions, and our after show conversation really cemented that belief.
We were walking, holding hands
with our bare feet in the sand
and the seagulls over head
when I broke the spell and said
"I could never divorce you
without a good reason
and though I may never have to
it's good to have options.
But for now, I need you"
But it was only in my head
because no one ever says
what they really mean to say
when there's so much at stake
So I told I her I loved her
and she told me she loved me
and I mostly believed her
and she mostly believed me
1 hollas:
Options is my favorite song by him...so good.
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