So as you can probably tell, things are looking a little different around here.
I've been messing with a new template and have been slowly dialing things in as I go. Some of the fonts, colors, and sizes aren't perfect yet, but I'll get to it soon enough.
I've got some more changes and additions to make in the near future, so keep those peepers popped.
...and in case you're wondering why there's a picture of 2Pac, he's got a song titled 'Changes'. Jesus, step ya rap game up!!
3 hollas:
Yeah man! New design looks dope. Now please no more pics of dudes eating cake. For the love of god!
Agreed. Keep it Portlandallday. Shonuff!!
But Rolled Taco photos are just fine as long as there's a story with it?
It was in Portland. It was in the day. Now you're getting TWO cake photos for all the bitchin'.
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